How to implement App Monetization methods

There are several ways you can monetize your app. Here are guides for how the most common ones are implemented in Choicely Studio.

1. In-app advertising revenue

Firstly, you need to create an account with an advertising platform. There you will receive a code to implement into your app.

The code is typically added to the source code of feeds, or articles. The Choicely team can do the implementation part for you, and it’s billed as custom work on an hourly basis. Contact us if you’d like to use this monetization method.


2. Sponsorships and partnerships

You can freely productize, price and sell advertising spaces in your app. These spaces can include articles, banners, contests or even whole sponsored sections in your app.


3. In-App Purchases

You can sell In-App Purchases – like paid votes or other digital products – with Choicely. The In-App Purchases can be created in “Shops”. After that, they need to be connected with the app stores.

We can help you implement In-App Purchases so contact us if you’d like to use this monetization method!


4. Subscription model

In “Shops”, there’s also an option for subscriptions. With this feature, you can for example dedicate some parts of the app for paid subscribers only. Contact us if you’d like to implement this.

Another option is to use a web service or your website that already has the subscription feature. You can use the web embed option to show this website in your app, and feature subscriptions this way.


5. Freemium app with paid content (single products)

For paid content, the first option is to feature a web service where you have paid content on sale in your app. You can simply embed your website or ecommerce store into the navigation of your app.

You can also use In-App Purchases for this. Then your users can be directed into a designated place in the app, like the content they just purchased. We can help you implement In-App Purchases so contact us if you’d like to use this monetization method!


6. Loyalty app, or giving out offers and coupons

There are multiple ways to implement loyalty programs or coupons in your app – here are a couple of straightforward ways.

You can offer a loyalty program through a web service. In this case, you can simply embed the URL of the web service into your app.

Another straightforward way to implement offers and coupons would be to add them to your app – as articles – and direct your customers to use the coupon codes in your webshop.


7. Ecommerce, Ticket sales

For Ecommerce stores, the best option is to simply embed your ecommerce store into the navigation of your app.


8. Lead generation

You can create lead generation forms using the Choicely survey tool.

You can also embed the web service you are using for generating leads into your app.


9. Payment app for a physical store or location

If you’d like to allow your customers to use your app as a means of payment in your venue, the most straightforward way to do that would be to use your ecommerce store as a hub for the payments. The customers would simply show their receipt in your physical store as proof of the payment.

Here’s how to embed your ecommerce store into the navigation of your app.