
365 Entertainment App for Broadcasters

Capture your audiences into one app. Cross-sell shows and interact with your audiences around the year. Go live quickly and make fast changes with an app management tool.

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Engage your audience around the year

The 365 Entertainment app is designed to increase engagement, stickiness and revenue for your brand. The entire app is customized to fit the broadcaster needs. It provides tailored mobile app experiences for each TV and radio show.


Adapt your app with an easy app management tool

Our app builder allows broadcasters to adjust the apps in an agile way. Changes can be made easily without any extra cost – in between seasons or during them. Thanks to the same tool, the app can be built in weeks rather than months.


Apps built with Choicely


Grow your revenue

365 Entertainment app offers broadcaster effective ways to grow your revenue. You get better cross-sell opportunities from having all entertainment shows in one app. Big, centralized audience helps grow your ad revenue and sponsorship opportunities. You can also offer paid voting and subscriptions to grow your sales.


Entertain your audiences with voting and fan engagement tools

Make shows more fun and engaging with tailored fan engagement tools. Enable easy voting with the app. Listen to your customers with surveys. Learn from customer and engagment data: you own it all.


Try Choicely app builder today

Try the Choicely app platform for free. Contact us to discuss your app needs!

Get started

Get a high-quality app built to match your needs. Make changes on the fly with our app builder.

Fill in your contact details and needs, and let’s get started!